TRAINING - indoor

A characteristic feature of this type of training is combining training with lectures. Our team of licensed trainers and instructors will provide you with the maximum of information and, among others, will offer you intensive task-based training, integration games, emotions and personality tests, discussions, and case studies. At some classes our instructors and trainers will also take advantage of video coaching. Thanks to this technical opportunity of watching yourselves on the screen and observing your behaviour in different situations you will be able to improve your interpersonal skills under the supervision of our trainers and instructors.

A very important factor relating to indoor training and packages is the combination of a significant number of information received at the lectures and time necessary for analyzing it and later on sharing your questions regarding difficult points. We try to schedule our training programmes in such a way that each participant has some "one on one" time with a trainer/instructor outside a conference room. Therefore, when taking into consideration the contact with a trainer/instructor, the most effective form of training is 2-3 days long where there is plenty of time for each participant to freely and individually meet a trainer/instructor to discuss their thoughts.

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  equipment partner